Hello and welcome to HCM,
Please do not get disheartened and distressed.
Polycythemia is a chronic disease of blood cells.
The disease can be controlled but it cannot be cured permanently.
The red blood cell counts have to be kept under control to prevent the complications caused by high blood counts.
The aggressive of disease is associated with its complications like occlusion of blood small blood vessels. Occlusion of blood vessels can lead to
thrombosis and even hemorrhage.
Treatment of polycythelia is
phlebotomy which involves bleeding of patient to reduced red cell mass.
Hydroxyurea is the drug which keeps a check on proliferation of red blood cells.
The drug dosage is monitored keeping in view its side effects.
Thus, monitor your blood counts.
Phlebotomy and drugs have to be continued to control the disease.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal