thanks for asking
i gone through your question. your daughter given birth 6 days back and baby having difficulty in breast feeding . He has been started about 320 ml of lactodex 1 daily.
I want to advise you that there is no substitute for mothers milk. every mother can breast feed her baby. because there are so many advantage of mother's milk
1 . those infant take exclusive breast milk are get less frequent illness like loose motions, asthma
2. exclusive breast feed baby have better IQ then milk powder feed baby, and in one study they earn more then milk powder feed when they become adult.
so try , try and try till baby start take breast feeding.
there may be some reason that interfere breast feeding , like inverted nipples, tight breasts , improper technique for feeding ,
so you can rectify these problems or can consult
lactation constant or your gynecologist or
pediatrician .
you expressed breast and the milk that expressed should be given by spoon .
regarding your query for volume of milk we recommand about 120mL to 150mL per kg per day . so if weight is abour 3 kg , we recommend about 360mL per day. these volume is just rough estimate, make the feed some extra what baby take last time . it baby finish 50 ml then next time your prepare 60 ml of feed, and so on. baby should pass 6-8 time urine in 24 hours indicate sufficient intake
hope i able to answer your query and i will be very happy baby start taking breast feed,