Hi my name is Saoirse, I m 17 and currently on holiday skiing in Andorra. I suffer from Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (self-diagnosed however I have had many problems like this before so I am quite confident of this), and while skiing down a slope earlier this morning my right ear became blocked. I have tried swallowing, yawning, blowing with a closed mouth and nose, and nothing has worked. I have a cold and therefore am quite sure I have a build up of catarrh in my eustachian tube as this happened during my last skiing trip and I was told by a doctor this was the case. I am due to fly back to Ireland tomorrow morning and so am quite worried about the flight and a possible rupture in my eardum if I fly? I have taken a decongestant tablet (more than an hour ago) and am inhaling olbas oil however nothing seems to be working. Is there anything else I should do and am I safe to fly tomorrow?