Thanks for writing to us. Followings are my comments:
1) You must undergo
medical abortion under the guidance of gynecologist, which will be helpful in emergency situation. Don't take those medicine by yourself without doctor's prescription.
2) By procedure, at first, you need to take Tab Mifepristone 200mg (ideally 600mg) on D1, after 48 hrs take 2 Tab
Misoprostol 200mg in the morning and other 2 tabs need to insert inside vagina by doctor.
It is the most widely used method for successful abortion or termination of
3) You may need double dose sometimes if proper bleeding DOESN'T start within 72 hrs. Soon after taking Tab Misoprostol,
abdominal cramp and vaginal bleeding start within 7 days and next period may be earlier/delayed.
4) Post pill abortion, you must do a USG lower abdomen to check retained bits/ conceptional products if any and may need D &C to complete abortion.
5) Practice
safe sex by using safe period/OCP/ other methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Hope, it helps for your information. Be well. Good luck.