After going through your history, the problems appear to be very classically related to
prostate (benign
prostatic hyperplasia).
I am wondering how you could be suffering for such a treatable disease.
As the prostate presses on the bladder, urination becomes difficult when you apply pressure, and the more you relax, the more urine comes out.
Due to incomplete voiding as whole urine wont come out like before, you will have increased frequency. As residual urine is always going to be present, which will give rise to
urinary tract infection.
During times of urge, few drops are going to come out due to
urinary incontinence.
Coffee and tea are diuretics and increase urine production.
Risk of urinary tract infection is severe and at this age, could complicate things.
Meet your doctor for surgical options.
Any further queries, happy to help again.