Hi thanks for asking question.
Here are few possibility in your case.
1.First you have
stomach bloating may be because of
chronic constipation.
This constipation might be because of lack of physical activity , less water and less fiber diet.
Stool softener can be used for it.Drink more water and fiber containing diet for constipation.After treating it take more water and regular exercise.
2.Second here you have
blood in stool , so infective cause has to be ruled out like
gastroenteritis.Stool examination done for it , if infection present like enteritis it might reveal pus cell and bacteria.Antibiotic may needed for it.
3.Third ameba or giardiasis like parasite infection has to be ruled out.Stool examination useful for it, that might reveal egg or trophozoites.
4.Here you have stomach pain also so apart from gastroenteritis , ulcer in stomach can be the cause.Omeprazole like drug helpful in ulcer healing.
If still cause not clear and symptoms increasing special investigation may needed like ultrasound examination or endoscopy examination.
I hope my suggestion will be helpful to you.