You are suffering from chronic headache and also experiencing pins and needles in the little ring finger. You have history of breaking your collar bone, had a plate put but had it removed. Chronic headache often occurs due to taking several cups of caffeine, soda, skipping meals, inadequate sleep, obesity, stress,
depression, overuse of medications,
vascular disease, etc.
The treatment depends upon the cause, do not skip meals, stay away from addictions if any, avoid taking too much soda or caffeine. Take quality sleep at night, avoid any type of anxiety and stress (physical and emotional), be cautious of the medicines you have been taking and have not mentioned here. Stay adequately hydrated, take fluids and water in appropriate amount. Get clinically examined by a GP to detect vascular disease or any developing neurological problems.
Get Nerve conduction velocity test, blood works,
urinalysis, EMG, EEG if required nerve biopsy done. You will be accordingly treated for pins and needles that you are experiencing. In the meantime, you can take pain relief medications like
naproxen sodium (Aleve) and
ibuprofen (Advil) and avoid activities that trigger your headache.
Physical exercises and massage is helpful. If underlying medical condition is not detected you may have to get imaging tests, such as a CT scan or MRI done so that you can be treated at the earliest. You are suggested to take food rich in vitamin B6, B12 and minerals. You can also take supplements like Nervup OD, once daily for 15 days.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician