Hi Dr. Every once and a while, and usually after my first bite, and when meat is involved, I get a stuck burp. Now I usually get burps a lot, and past dr's have said it's because i swollow air when I eat. I also used to get serious heart burn, but changed my diet a lot and don't anymore (it was at the point where I'd wake up in the middle of the night from the burn and sometimes would lead to me getting 'sick.') Ok so back to the stuck burp... when it happens, I can't continue eating, and need to get the burp out. I have little burps, but nothing that will get the burp from 'deep down' to come out. It's led to me getting sick multiple times. Most the time once I get sick "hard enough" the burp will clear. But it's horrible, and this happens probably 1 in 30 times I eat meat. Any ideas?