Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your query health issues.
I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them.
Based on the facts of your query the reply of your query is-
This mostly is from -High
Progesterone Post-Ovulation,as your preg test is negative.So the answer is YES, ovulation at this stage may be causing this.
The high Progesterone relaxes the LES(Lower Esophageal Sphincter) and is accompanied with lowered
Folic acid levels, due to Post-Ovulation high needs of Folic acid and Vit B12 .
Get your preg test checked after 2 weeks time also.This could give you the exact cause for this Constant
heartburn in your case from the
pregnancy with high
HCG and high progesteron levels.
If need be have
Second opinion from Obstetric and investigate .
But in the absence of other information,I would suggest you to go for Obstertric Consults.As the facts could be different from what you submitted.
So looking in to the sensitive complaint of yours,I would suggest you to rule out abnormal Progesterone and
Estrogen levels by Consulting and investigating with Obstetric doctor.
It would be prudent to have physical Check from Consulting Obstetric first- before planning further investigations and treatment for it.
Other causes need to be ruled out in any case.
Do's -suggested for your case-
Check with Family Physician and thereafter with Consulting Obstetric.
Don't miss to have checks for high progesteron levels.
Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors,till you verify with your attending doctors.
Need to Check with Consulting Obstetric-specialist if need be, if things don't recover.
-Other causes need to be verified with your family GP /Consulting Obstetric -Specialist doctors, as the facts may be different what you submitted.
-For this Second opinion with Consulting Obstetric- specialist-is needed who would do proper investigation after proper physical assessment to resolve your health issues.
-for early recovery-please follow above do's which would resolve your complex health issues.
Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist