My husband has been diagnosed bipolar type 2 -- he s 60, was diagnosed 5 years ago. I just realized yesterday that he may also be dyslexic. He showed me a sticker on his grandson s socks that clearly stated Size 3-11 and yet he insisted it said size 11-3 ! It was so scarey and embarrassing because he started yelling at me in the store. Yet this man functions at a very high level at work every day. He s been in a depressed state for about 4 weeks now, won t take his meds and has been drinking. Needless to say, he s very easily agitated, argumentative and won t even admit there s a problem. He won t go to the doctor and won t talk about it. All I can do is give him distance and stay away. He s also become a bit violent, throwing things, but has never hurt me (he did kick the dog). I m scared, confused and upset. Any ideas?