Thank you for your query.
Sudden onset
dizziness should be immediately checked out.
Would you clarify a few things for me?
- how old are you?
-any other medical issues or medications?
-any recent travel? Or injury to the head, neck or spine?
Whiplash accidents?
-what kind of job do you do? Did you have a
head massage recently?
-any other symptoms like weakness of a particular side of the body or numbness?
-do you wear prescription glasses?
Based on your symptoms I would like to rule out vascular lesions in the brain and
I recommend :
-a physician consult
-an electrocardiogram and
echocardiogram to check for any heart related causes.
-complete neurological exam. A
CT scan of the brain if necessary.
-an ENT consult to check for
inner ear disturbances.
Based on the above results a treatment plan will be initiated.
Please do not drive or operate any machinery till we figure this out.
Stay well hydrated and rest.
Change of position must be done slowly and gradually. So don't make sudden movements or bend to pick up anything. Squat down and take it.
Please consult your doctor ASAP..
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Wish you good health