You may have strep and/or an oral yeast infection. Both can require prescription medication. Immediately, make sure that you are well hydrated. Drink water and more water. Dehrdrated tissue can be more sensitive and prone to irritation. Take your temperature to determine if you have a fever. Take acidopholus or probiotics to maintain natural balanced bacteria and prevent chances of imbalances. An oral
fungal infection can result in a burning tongue often with a coating, dryness, redness and
altered taste. Nystatin is a common antifungal medication to treat this condition.
Strep can be carried in your salvia and have systemic effects meeting your description. A simple swab test can confirm this diagnosis. Common medication includes the prescription
Amoxicillin or Augmentin for treatment.
Antiinflammitory medication such as Tylenol or Motrin may help decrease your discomfort until you visit your
dentist or physician to confirm a diagnosis. Consider rinsing with warm salt water and maintain good daily
dental care. make sure that your vitamin intake is well balanced with no deficiencies. Your doctor may suggest a basic blood panel if other systemic factors need to be considered.
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