Hi! I m confused as to whether I have bed/ednos or I severely lack self control. My eating habits have been weird in the past year and I ve gained 7kg in just over a year. I currently try to eat healthily or control my portions in the morning, but when dinner time comes, my urges come and I find it hard to fight them. I would eat junk food beyond fullness, though nowadays i rarely eat to the point of wanting to puke. I used to eat lots of junk food late at night, and I still do occasionally. I m also counting calories but I ve never been succesful in eating 1200-1300 (I m asian so I eat less). This is a real waste of time when I have so much school work to do but it makes me feel secure. I ve tried giving in to my urges but it makes me uneasy (since I m not eating healthily and probably went off my calorie count) and I binge. If I ignore my urges, I still end up succumbing to the urge. Is it possible that I lack discipline and I m just trying to convince myself that I have an ed to make an excuse for my binges? I feel like this will never end and I ll keep on gaining weight. Sometimes I feel like I need help but other times (esp. in the morning when I m in control) I feel normal so I feel like I m making a mountain out of a molehill if I see my school counsellor. Also, I m scared she ll tell my parents if I really have an ed (I m not very close to my parents). Thanks :)