Hello,I m Lori. i m a female 5 5 , 150 lbs and i m 17. I drink maybe once every one or 2 months and I got drunk on Friday, I went out clubbing and had about 7 or 8 beers. Then the on Saturday night I went to a BBQ and had 2 beers, about 8 shots of rum - 40% and then some wine. On Sunday I went to a party and had 6 jello shots with vodka in it. I had one glass of vodka and some juice in it, and 3 beers. I was around lots of people (about 25) smoking marijuana. I did not try any drugs at all. But it. Is Tuesday now and I still feel drunk (dizzy, out of it, can t think straight). I ll also add that on Saturday and Sunday, I hardly ate or drank water and I didn t end up throwing up at all throughout this week. I was wondering if you could tell me what is going on? Thank you