Orange blood after 3 weeks of continuous menstrual cycle accompany with lower abdominal pain right.below my belly button with cramping sweats, feeling week and nauseous, really bloated hurts when i sit, walk and pee. I have a fullness feeling in my lower abdominal where it hurts. I had a baby 19 months ago.. Had regular period for 4 months then none for 13 months until two months ago I started spotting after intercourse it started light pink until Sep. 24, the spotting was red, on the 26th i was at the store after an hour of walking blood throughout my pants up to below my rest inner tights.. Come home to clean up take everything off blood running down my legs one huge blood cloth just drop in the floor for the next three days i bleed so heavy i go through a heavy tampon plus pad plus tissue paper every 15 to 30 min. And hasn t stop ever since after 1week it was normal with blood clots week 3 blood poodles wen i use the restroom nd when i wipe.. Also little cloths floating in the toilet.. The first week menstrual fluid where thick deep burgundy after bright red now orange red. Gyn said everything looks normal it must be my weight i am 5”5 194.5lbs the other choice they give me is if it s that bad go to the hospital please someone help in need of advice funny know what to think anymore. Thank you.