Thanks for contacting HCM. Dear patient, controlling high blood sugar has three important components- diet, exercise and medicines. Of these most important is diet control followed by exercise. Medicines are added when these two doesn't succeed. You should try following-
11. If you are
obese try to loose weight as it will help tremrndously.
2. Eat frequent small meals at three hours intervals.
3. Avoid starchy, fried, sugary, fast and junk food.
4. Avoid white rice and white bread.
5. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, salads and fruits(avoid very sweet fruits if your blood
glucose levels are very high).
6. Eat nuts regularly especially almonds.
7. Eat fish( either baked, boiled or roasted) at least three times a week.
8. use olive oil for cooking.
9. Exercise regularly especially aerobic activities like walking.
10. Sleep for 6-8 hours daily.
11. Take skimmed unsugared milk, curd and yogurt regularly.
Your blood glucose levels are high and you need medicines, i would suggest that you should start with
Metformin 500 mg SR twice daily 15 mins before breakfast and dinner.Regards