Hello, sorry to hear about your neck problem. Elevated RBC or
Erythrocytosis could be Relative which is due to loss of volume
like dehydration 2/2 vomiting and diarrhea, or Absolute Erythrocytosis which is due to increase in RBC mass. Absolute Erythrocytosis either a Primary disease or a secondary disease.Primary Erythrocytosis (Polycethemia Vera) is a
Bone Marrow disorder of unknown cause. Secondary Erythrocytosis is due to chronic low Oxygen in blood 2/2 COPD,
Sleep Apnea, chronic smoking, high altitude or a tumor secreting
Having said that it is too hard to make a diagnosis here with this little information that you have provided, one needs to know how high is your
Hematocrit, what is your WBC, PLT, Chemistry panel, knows more about your history including history of smoking,do you snore at night, are you
overweight, what altitude do you live in, were you dehydrated when the blood was taken, etc.
Sometimes this could be just a lab error therefore it is not a bad idea to repeat the test in 2-4 weeks, I would suggest that you check a Chemistry panel along with your CBC, send me the whole CBC panel and answer the above questions for me, then I might be able to give you a better answer.
Good luck.