Hallow Dear,
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a multi-system complex disorder. It is characterised by delayed heavy menses, high insulin levels and high androgen levels. Its symptom are
infertility, obesity, hair at unwanted places like face, chest, etc., irregularity of menses, etc.
Though cyclical
oral contraceptive pills can regularise the menses, it is short lived. The whole condition needs to be addressed.
Medicines like
Clomiphene citrate or HMG/hCG can help release of eggs. However, control of insulin and androgen levels is necessary for successful management. Metformin or Myo Inositol can help bring down the levels of insulin. The later brings down the levels of androgens also.
ChromiNAC-A is an Ayurvedic medicine which also is claimed to help bringing down the insulin levels.
Weight control is a very essential factor in management of PCOS. Your BMI is 27.3, which is rather high. You should try to bring it under 24 if you are Indian. You have to reduce your weight. High protein, low
carbohydrate and low fat die with regular exercise is the key to this.
Please report to a Gynaecologist for appropriate management. Empirical treatment will not help you.
I hope you got the message.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri