Hello and welcome,
Painless bright red blood on the toilet paper after a bowel movement without any other symptoms is highly suggestive of hemorrhoides (piles).
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus and lower
rectum. Little bleeding is harmless but in may led to
iron deficiency anemia if bleeding is significant. Diagnosis of hemorrhoids are made on physical exam. The doctor performs anoscopy and identifies whether its internal or external, and what stage it is.
Usually treatment includes following life style modalities:
Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet along with adequate intake of fluids. Eating more fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds. Fiber supplements may also be used in the diet up to 30 gr per day. Fibers with adequate fluids soften stools and decrease the strain during bowel movement and make it easy to pass.
Exercising regularly to stimulate your bowel movements.
Using toilet as soon as a person feels the urge without waiting. A person with hemorrhoids should make a habit to use certain time of the day to sit on the toilet for
regular bowel movements but should avoid prolonged sitting or straining.
Trying a warm water sitting bath (sitz bath) every day after each bowel movements for about 20 minutes. A patient may also get benefit from topical
steroids in certain cases.
If the condition does not respond to conservative treatment, or if severe complications arise surgical hemorrhoidectomy or
rubber band ligation is performed.
I hope the above information will be helpful for you. Please, feel free to ask me if there is anything else you need to know.
Thank you,
Malik Amonov MD