Hi there I was just wondering if you could help me. Over the past 8 months I ve been feeling really down after having sex with my partner, even if it was good sex, I still feel unsatisfied. I also get very emotionally and I feel terribly ill. It s as if my body goes into shock after I have sex. I literally shake, feel sick, get hot etc. Along with this I wake up and go to bed incredibly horny every day, it affects my social life and college life. I am 18yrs old and this is not just because I m a horny teenager it is something more. Another thing is that recently I have been pulling my eyelashes out from stress. I used to pull my hair out when I was a child because my dad mentally abused me, at school I pulled my eyebrows out from a anxiety disorder and now I ve been pulling my eyelashes out from general stress. If you have any advice I would much appreciate it, especially for the first issue I highlighted. Thanks, Aimee.