I'm 28 and my husband 35 yrs. its now 5 yrs for our marriage but my
husband does not share a physical relationship with me since 4 years,
(after the birth of our son). He initially used to give different
excuses such as
1. u are not keeping my parents happy, my mother keeps on complaining about you.
2. you go to your mothers house against my will. (this is because
there is a dispute between both flys & i visit my parents once / twice
a year) He used to even drink heavily whenever I went to my parents house.
Today i have changed alot for him, i promised him that i will not go
to my parents house. i put in tremendous effort in keoing his parents
But today he gives me a different excuse, he tells me that he does not
feel like having sex. He says that he is not able to identify the
reason for disinterest. he says that he has now turned insensitive.
What does this mean Dr. is it possible for him to become normal again.
will medications help. Does he need a Dr. to solve his problem?
Please also let me know how do i get an appointment from u.
Please help me Dr. i'm in great need of ur valuable advice. Please
please Dr. help me out. i shall be vvv grateful to u, forever. I'm in
a horrible situation. i cry every night in vain.