hello Maria,
Its a boil, if it contains clear water. But when it gets infected, it gets filled with neutrophils also i.e. forms pus. Then, you call it
Usually an abscess needs to be drained if it does not rupture. As it increases in size, the pain severity increases and slowly ruptures itself. You are having a good antibiotic cover and you can continue it for five days and it should rupture by itself.
If it does not, an OPD procedure will be done maybe within ten minutes and after that you will require regular dressings until you heal completely.
If the pain becomes severe, you can take painkillers like
Diclofenac or
aceclofenac. Keep the area clean and avoid touching it and simultaneously touching other areas. It could spread to other areas by touching as it is a bacterial infection.
As it is a small localized lesion, you might not suffer from
fever. Always try to keep the area dry.
Hope I have answered your query. Any further queries, I am here to help.