Thanks for the query to HCM. I studied your problem in depth and I understood your concerns.
Causes and Remedy-
In my opinion your testicular lump is mostly
epididymal cyst -post traumatic,which occurred after ball hit to testes.
I would suggest you to wait and watch for 2-3 days time.
If the swelling subsides on its own,you need not worry but keep a watch.
If not-Consult ER Doctor and take anti-inflammatory and antibiotics to reduce the swelling.
If it grows in size consult ER Surgeon.So consult your doctor and don't worry.
So don't build up wrong concepts and create more psychic complications in you which would increase risks and costs to you, but just ask a query to HCM and be comfortable to resolve your health issues.
Welcome for any more query in this regard to HCM.
Write good resume and Click thanks if you feel satisfied with my advise.
Have a Good Day.
Dr.Savaskar M.N.