Hi Rinku,
Listening to you, I can understand that you are in great distress. You appear to be suffering from a Depressive Episode.
The severity of your symptoms of
insomnia, negative thoughts, fatigueness, decreased appetite may worsen further with time.
I would like to know much about your problems to guide you specifically.
1.Anytime in the past you had same problems which persisted for more than weeks?
2.Any stressful life phase you are currently going through?
3.Anytime in the past you felt overenthusiastic, energetic, extremely cheerful, overconfident that persisted for days at a stretch so that even your family and freinds suggested you to remain calm and collected
4.Any medicines or drugs you currently on or had taken for a.longer time eaelier?
I would also like you to have a detailed physical examination to rule out some of the physical ailments.
I would be able to guide you better of you get back with these. Wish you an early recovery.