Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of hemicolectomy 2 years ago and since then have irregular bowel movements, mostly loose stools up to 5 per day but now have
constipation for the last 5 days.
You also have
hemorrhoid which you have tried to pull and have palpated that something is felt in the
My thoughts and advise:
Since hemicolectomy means a part of the large bowel is removed, it is possibly the discontinuity of the nerves that carry on the normal motility to change.
Secondly, there is not sufficient of large bowel to function hence one gets deficiency of vitamins, mineral and trace elements.
Please take multivitamins with all such supplements as they are most required to have normal bodily functions including that of bowel.
GO for X-ray of the abdomen to see whether the remaining colon is loaded with feces or fecoliths, get an enema for evaluation.
Oral laxatives only if required.
Colonoscopy and
biopsy after preparation and so on.
A proper diagnosis and treatment will help you to recover well.
Also not all the foods and beverages that cause you any of the bowel symptoms and stop them altogether.