A few days ago, my friends and I were throwing around a football and someone went to throw it at me. I went to catch it, and it slammed into my thumb, pushing my thumb back. It hurt really bad at that moment, to a point where I had a hard time moving it. After about ten minutes or so, it was okay. Still a little sore, but okay. A few days passed and it was fine. No pain or anything, until today. I woke up, and it was hurting pretty bad whenever I went to pick something up. I can move it just fine, it just hurts when I try to pick something up. I was carrying a Coke can up to my mother, and I almost dropped it because of the pain/weakness. I was starting to think it was sprained, but it s not swollen, and it was hurting a few days after instead of constant pain throughout everyday. What is this pain? Is my thumb actually injured? Did the football cause this? Or is this just some random pain that will go away soon? I would really appreciate an answer as soon as possible. Thank you