Hi,DEar!!Thanks for your query to HCM.
Read and reviewed submitted query facts.
You seem to suffer from-Enteroe-Colitis/ or it could be Cholecystitis/ or
Fatty Liver mostly.Other causes need to be ruled out.
Remedy would depend on the cause of these belchings and pain accompanied with it.
Your Physician Consults would resolve this issue.He would physically examine and rule out any liver or Colonic/intestine related other causes in you,by proper investigations and needful treatments for it.
Mostly you have Entero-Colitis right colon.
After Stool exam / USG your Physician would treat with
Metrogyl +Antibiotics and if needed with pain killers.
Hope this would resolve your pain and belchings problem.
Welcome for any further problems in this regard.
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist