Dear , This is Dr. S. Tomar from's medical team and I ll be your medical advisor for this question. First of all thank you for sharing your concern with us and showing trust on us.
Chronic persistent pain after cancer treatment can be due to
peripheral neuropathy , use of steroid medicine during treatment , Radiation therapy , surgery ,
lymphedema .In management of pain it is essential to consult painissue with pain specialist for faster and better outcome of treatment . First of all clinical examination is necessary to be done to categorize the pain into mild , moderate amd severe and medicines should be started accordingly. Medicines like tylenol , vicodin , percocet , fentanyl , methadone ,
oxycodone ,
gabapentin ,
pregabalin , antidepressants are used according to severity of pain .
With this I would suggest you to practice yoga ,
meditation , breathing exercises which surely helps in pain . Be more social , laugh and enjoy which will decrease
stress hormone and will make you feel better .
I would suggest you to consuly and discuss further with pain specialist about risks and benefits of treatment and that which particular treatment option is best for you .
This is my initial response and discussion is open untill you have any query or need further clarification.
I wish you good health .
Thank you for your question and feel free to contact further for any question .
Dr. Shardendu Tomar