Hi welcome to HCM
I have gone thru your query regarding dizziness and strong
metallic taste in mouth .
It is a matter of concern ,
Dear , we face health problems , due to our faulty food habits and derailed life style .
Lack of essential nutrients - vitamins , minerals , antioxidants fiber in natural form or accumulation of toxins in our blood can create health problems , as, dry mouth, medications, regular spoiled foods, a mild health condition, such as regular
constipation , common cold, or a serious condition, such as poisoning or cancer can cause metallic taste in mouth .
Deficiency of Iron (anemia with fatigue and paleness) Zinc (anorexia, fatigue, diarrhea) , Copper (fatigue, paleness) ,Vitamin B2, B3, B6 or B12 (bright red tongue, cracked lips in the corners of the mouth, scaly skin,
pernicious anemia, weakness) , all can cause dizziness and strong metallic taste in mouth and affects over all health , dental health also .
Our health depends upon physical activity level and the diet we take.
Strengthening your immune system by Modifying your life style and food habits is the fist step towards your healthy trouble free life ,
Include essential nutrients - vitamins , minerals , antioxidants fiber in natural form to eradicate toxins and for proper blood circulation , regular physical activity is essential for long lasting healthy life .
To get rid of metallic taste treat the cause .
Sugar-free mint or eucalyptus chewing gum can help mask the metallic taste.
Homeopathic Pilocarpine 30 , 2 drops in 3-4 table spoons of water ,3 hourly 3 times .
Consult your dr, if problem persists . She / he may advise examination by a
dentist, an ear, nose and throat specialist, gastroenterologist or
neurologist needed to determine the cause of a metallic taste .
Hope this helps solve your query Take care All the best