Hello. Thank you for writing to us at healthcaremagic
You seem to have a condition known as Melasma.
Melasma commonly presents with brownish or dark colored patches on face, commonly cheeks/ malar prominences, dorsum of nose. Forehead, chin and
upper lip may also be involved.
Many females develop it during pregnancy.
Sun protection is an important part of management of melasma.
A sunscreen should be used throughout the day.
It should be broad spectrum i.e should have both UV A as well as UV B coverage and should be reapplied every 2-3 hours.
At night you may use a pigment reducing cream containing one or more of the following ingredients like
kojic acid,
glycolic acid,
tretinoin, azaleic acid, fluocinolone acetonide etc.
The mode of action of these pigment reducing creams is either exfoliation of existing pigment Or inhibition of synthesis of new melanin Or both.
I usually ask my patients to start with a combination of 3 ingredients i.e tretinoin, hydroquinone, fluocinolone acetonide.
It is a gold standard combination for treatment of Melasma and very effective in Melasma.
This combination of ingredients is commonly prescribed during the initial treatment of melasma i.e the first 8-10 weeks or so.
However this combination should always be used under supervision of a
dermatologist and never for more than 8-12 weeks regularly because it can cause side effects like acne, skin thinning, sun sensitivity,
hirsutism etc.
My advice would be to use this combination of tretinoin, hydroquinone and fluocinolone acetonide for 8 weeks or so.
Once significant improvement is achieved in your Melasma, your doctor can switch over to other options like either kojic acid, azaleic acid or glycolic acid etc which are safer and can even be used over longer run without risk of side effects.
You may also opt for a few sessions of chemical peeling from your treating dermatologist.