Good day, Im a mother of a 10 month old baby. My baby have never been sleeping trought the night, Im constantly awake, and is starting to feel so tired. Im so drained that it is starting to effect my mood. Im almost always depressed. And I think Ive got a hormone inbalnace as well, one day Im ok, other days Im not. Me and my husband have not been going out at all, there is no time to spent with eachother, and this has a effect on my marriage as well. I never suffered form post natal depression. And had a wondeful pregnancy, just dont feel like myself anymore, my husband recently were diagnosed with epilepsy, and this also had a effect on us, he needs a good nights rest every night, and cant really always help me with baby. Sometimes it feels like Im there for all the work and no play! Do I need a anti depressant?