During 2009 ( 26yrs old ) i had missed my period (LMP-8th ocotber) so i did an upt on 17th november but it was negative.Then i went to an x doctor , she gave me primolet (18th November). but on 20th November my upt was weakly positive. on 24th December i started bleeding and by 7th January i had my miscarriage.Then i changed my doctor and she put me on novelon (from january 2010 to august 2010 ) to regularize my period, which was usually delayed from a week to two..( i also started with bigomet, nacfill and sysfol)on 2nd November my follicular monitoring report said PCOD pattern in both ovaries and 10th November 2010 my HSG report said my left patent tube with adhesion with rite tube blockage...on 6th december i got my laproscopy done my report siad right ostia not seen, left ostia normal, endometrium proliferative. adhesions removed from left tube. chromotubation positive on left side.cannualization not possible on rite side ostium as it could not be visualzed.my TSH was 4.82 and i was put on thyronom 50 mg.then i got follicular monitoring done for january and feburary where only the follicles were developing on the rite side, where as my rite tube is blocked..(i even got IUI done in the month of january)on 15th march 2011, my UPT was positive with a strong line, appearing immediately. My doctor put me on bed rest and evrythng was fine till 27th april 2011, when i started feeling stomach pains. on visiting my doctor she put me on anin,(allyloestrenol tablets, duphaston, suprox, other than bigomet sr , sysfol and thyronom 5o mg).Now i am extremely scared of Preterm labor( as my doctor is suspecting) ps guide me if my treatment and medication is on the rite track and if there is anything else that can help me have a safe pregnancy and delivery..