For about 25 years or so (starting at age 12) I have had issues swallowing. It comes and goes sporadically, and doesn’t seem to be 100% based on stressful situations, nor does it only happen with certain foods. However, meats and breads seem to stick more often than other foods. I chew thoroughly and it sometimes happens after drinking immediately after swallowing yet sometime I don’t drink and it still gets stuck. I have forced myself to regurgitate all previously eaten food, yet it still stays stuck, and I’ve tried to force it down with water, sometimes successfully and others it becomes violently worse. It feels like a tennis match sometimes as it tries to force it down, it reaches a spot and I hear a gurgling noise and then it comes back up a couple inches or so and then after several seconds it tries to go down again. It’s getting extremely old and I really would like to get rid of it already. One final note, way back in my teens they thought it was a stricter and tried dilating it several times, but it never really stopped it due to the sporadic nature of the incidents. Please help!!