Hello, I am a 23 year old male with a history of pelvic floor tension. I was only diagnosed correctly over this issue in the last 12 months. I don t believe my problem is related but i figured it was worth mentioning. Around 3 and 1/2 months ago. I had rather wild, unprotected, forceful sex with a stranger 8 times it 2 days. I didn t feel anything wrong afterwards except for a mild ache from all of that movement. However, a month after that occured, I ejaculated and my orgasm hurt. My penis was somewhat red and the skin had also torn slightly on the underside of my shaft (beneath the tip of the knob). After that, I was urinating frequently - 10 times a day and I couldn t have sex of any kind. It would only exacerbate my symptons. I haven t really had discharge. All STD tests I have had are negative. I am now existing 3 months after I first noticed any problem. I am abstaining from all kinds of sex and the symptoms are still with me. My penis becomes red and discoloured after urinating, I experience irritation in the urethra while urinating and my skin is very weak - prone to tearing.