A 13-year-old boy has been forced to come see you by his school's principal for repeated acts of misconduct, including a recent episode in which the patient pulled a knife on one of his teachers. The patient's mother says she has "given up hope" and thinks their coming to see you is a "waste of time," as he has been a difficult child since early he was small. She says the boy takes after his father, an abusive alcoholic who left shortly after the patient was born. She reports that the boy frequently skips school and has been arrested three times on charges of stealing, vandalism, and setting fire to a neighbor's dog. The patient smiles and even giggles a few times during your conversation with his mother. The patient seems fairly intelligent and even charming at times, and is alert and oriented. When asked about the knife-pulling incident at school, he becomes sullen and refuses to talk about it, mentioning only that his teacher is "lucky" she didn't get stabbed. The boy then refuses to talk any further and simply stares at the wall and fidgets during the rest of the interview, ignoring all remaining questions.