Hello dear,
Thank you for your contact to health care magic.
I read and understand your concern.
I am Dr Arun Tank answering your concern.
There is no need to take the treatment for this condition. In turn its not the disease at all.
When you mastirbste your semem will come out with each act.
As you have stopped the act, semen start accumulating. Once accumulated enough it will cone out with night mare.
It will never come out in urine. I think it's your belief. If you are suspecting it than you should examine the urine microscopically. If the sperms are found in urine microscopically than you need surgical correction for leaking semen in the urine.
If you have leg
bone pain, than even you can masturbste. There is no harm in it. Masturvstion is very common act in day today's life if possible you can also do it with your leg pain also.
I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/DrArun.
Thank you,
Dr Arun Tank
Infectious diseases specialist,