Greetings, I am a 20 year old caucasian female, married with 2 girls. The one is 2 and a half, the other will be celebrating her first birthday in a week. I have been suffering from a struggle to yawn as i seem to have severe pain in my mid throat. My mother in law went to have vacation a few miles out of town the start fo the week and returned friday morning. She complained about her voice (it sounds like mucus is stuck in her throat) and it seems her voice is on the brink of dissapearing. Then friday afternoon, i yawn and feel this horrible pain in my mid throat accompanied by a painful spot on the left side of the roof of my mouth (slightly located to the back) i wake up saturday morning and it feels like something is stuck in my throat. It takes my entire cup of coffee to swallow down this feeling and each time it hurts like hell. Finally the feeling of something stuck goes away, but the pain gets worse. Now, more frequently, it feels as there is something in my throat, the painful spot in my mouth seems to have gone from a spot to a raw hole and i cant swallow or yawn. My neck has been really really stiff and ive experienced exhaustion over the weekend, if it might be connected somehow. If you could please tell me the possibilities, i would be greatful. Im so scared it might be something contagious, and i dont wish to put my girls in such pain.