Thanks for writing to Health Care Magic, I am Dr Saleha and I will help you regarding your health concern.
According to your history and symptoms you seem to be having viral infection.
I am sorry to know about the way your clients truned you away but I can assure you things will get better within a week. It will need patience , as the disease runs its natural course and the body overcomes the infection with it's immunity, things will get better for you.
Here are a few suggestions which you can use to releive your symptoms and help your healing process to occure more efficiently.
You should usw steam inhalation this will soften insides of your respiratory passages and will help you get relief soon.You can use
brufen and Exaderin for relief of your symptoms. of pain body aches and
fever if any. An over the counter antihistamin like
benedryl daily at night will be of great help. Over the counter lozenges with a flavour you might like would relieve itching and
throat irritation.
Things will get better in a week or so don't panic and stay patient.
I hope this answered your question.I'm all ears for any further query.