I m a 16 year old male , and i keep getting stomach aches in the morning and usually end up vomiting , in the summer holiday this doesn t happen it only happens during my school days , last school year in the 2nd term final exams the vomiting began i kept vomiting for the whole month every single morning. After the summer holiday - we just began school again i started getting this stomach ache pain again , i don t know if it might be the food but .. i pretty much cant eat anything now , i tried eating just a banana / apple / cornflakes and even after eating just bits and i still vomit .And now i can t eat anything in the lunch / dinner just 1-2 bites even when I m hungry or then I ll feel like I m vomiting.I have lost my appetite for food completely and i just eat just so i don t lose a lot of weight. Even though i did .. 16 years old - 175 cm - 50 KG ..its my final year of High-school and i want to graduate with good marks , but this problem wont stop , i think i should visit a hospital but i m hoping you might give me some tips before going.