Hi, I am 19 years old and a female. I am 5'2" and weigh about 140 pounds. A bit of my medical history includes, mild asthma and hsv1/coldsores.
My concern deals with constantly feeling tired. I try to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep and wake up feeling exhausted. It has gotten to the point that it is difficult for me to even get out of bed and continue on with my day. Just today, I woke up and went right back to bed meanwhile, class was in session. I woke up again to head to my internship and I was still tired. My neck and shoulders always feel tense and sore. This has been going on for as long as I could remember. I used to do yoga, but it has become a hassle to even get to yoga class. I feel as if it is getting out of hand and I plan on seeing a doctor soon. I just want some sort of insight...Thank you.