Four weeks ago I developed a rash on my wrist that turned into several blister like bumps. I went to a doctor and she treated me for both a bacterial and viral infection while she waited for the test results to come back from the samples she took of the rash. A week later, I developed hives as a result of an allergic reaction to the amoxicilian. I went back to the same doctor and she took me off the anti viral and anti bacterial meds and started me on Ranitidine, Methyiprednisone (4mg) dose pack and Dephenhydramine. The next day I saw a dermatologist where she told me to stop the meds I was just put on and prescribed I take 20 mg Prednisone....2 for five days then 1 for five days, then to continue the Methyipredisone treatment. One week ago I ended up in the ER because my blood pressure was high and my heart beat was irregular. Every time I would try to sleep, I would end up waking up grasping for air. While in the ER, they monitored my blood pressure, did an EKG, took a chest XRAY. It was concluded that I was having an allergic reaction to medication and was told by the ER doctor the original doctor should have never treated my original rash with amoxicilian. So, he pumped me with Benadryl and other meds through an IV until the rash I had over my body started clearing up and my blood pressure dropped back to normal. He prescribed a 5 day treatment of 60 mg. of Prednisone. Yesterday was my last day taking the treatment and I am having several withdrawal symptoms. Headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, heart palpatations, high blood pressure, etc. In reading more about this, I have learned just how serious taking this medication really is. I was never TOLD to taper off the 60 mg. per day as I have been reading on line. Is my health at stake here for abruptly stopping the dosage after that short period of time? Or, do I need to give it time for it to get out of my system? I do have an appointment with MY primary care physician and an allergist in a month. However, I don t know how much longer I can go feeling this way. All I know is I don t want to ever have to take Prednisone again if I don t have to. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time, Cindy H.