Hello and thanks for writing in.
I understand that you are having these intense, sustained feelings of wanting to be a man and are quite uncomfortable with being a woman. This condition is called a
Gender Identity Disorder. This is a condition where a person strongly feels that he or she should be the opposite sex. They often feel "trapped" in their bodies and experience a lot of discomfort with their present gender.
You have mentioned that you want undergo
sex change surgery. But, like your previous doctor has mentioned, this is a very major step and hence is a long drawn process. First you need to have a detailed psychological assessment and
counselling from a
psychiatrist. Then, if you are deemed to be a suitable candidate for sex change surgery, this has to be planned in stages. You may have to take long term
hormonal medication.
So, as you can see, this is a very complicated and long drawn purpose and moreover in India, it is quite expensive also. So I would suggest that you first meet a psychiatrist in person for a detailed evaluation and counselling.
Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar MRCPsych.(U.K)