dear doc, my name is dominic i am 35 years old,i have hyperpigmentation on my face and hands, in a period of 3- 4 years i have spent around 25000 rs to cure this but yielding to zero results, i have put my hard earned money in the gutter, i have taken treatment in kaya clinic for glycolic peel and meso glow treatment with 5 sittings a zero results, i have taken treatment in dr health clinic also that too with zero results until 3 months back i heard of skin lite cream, which one of collegue was using after noticing a visible difference in his complexion ,i have started using this cream I have noticed 50% results using this cream,but if this cream is not been used for for a day also the complexion turns again dark,by the way i have a oily skin, request you to kindly suggest a suitable and result oriented remedy for my skin issues