Hi..Thanks for using HCM..
I understand your concern.. It is not common to have 5th C-section.. There is many complication associate with..
pregnancy, as the pregnancy advances there is a chance of
uterine rupture. During intrapartum period there can be
1. Surgical Adhesions
(Surgical adhesions are bands of scar tissue that develop on organs as a result of handling during surgery.) Adhesions cause
abdominal pain and may cause organs to stick to one another or to the abdominal wall.
Placenta Accreta and Placenta Previa
The risks for placenta previa and placenta accreta increase with repeated c-sections. Placenta previa is a condition in which the placenta partially or totally covers the cervix. Placenta accreta results when the placenta grows too deeply into the uterus, making it difficult for the uterus to detach normally. Both conditions can result in bleeding that puts the baby's or mother's life at risk.
3.Delivery-Related Hysterectomy
The chances of needing an emergency hysterectomy go up with the number of c-sections.
4. Increased risk of PPH
POstpartum period:
Wound infection.
Risks to Baby: increased chance of respiratory difficulties.
These are the complications associated with it.. Dont worry or strain yoursellf.. These are only the possible complications. Hope i have answerd your queries.. Good day.