Hello, as you are suffering from excessive hair loss and havenot mentioned the area of the scalp from which it is occuring, i assume it is diffuse and not from a localised area..The most common diffuse hair loss is a condition known as
telogen effluvium. I would adv you to get a serum ferritin level and
thyroid function tests, to rule out common treatable causes of diffuse hair loss (
iron deficiency and thyroid disorders respectively). If these are normal, start on hair supplements like tab
Follihair 1 tab daily for atleast 3 months and apply Proanagen lotion on the dry scalp daily. Also, for washing scalp, use Xgain shampoo thrice weekly and use a good conditioner for your hair (apply conditioner on wet hair, leave for 10 min and then, rinse with water).
With this, your hairloss will improve, have patience, in case you notice any other complaints, then visit a
dermatologist for evaluation. At AIIMS, there are many dermatologists viz. Dr.Ramam to whom you may consult.
Take care