Hello and welcome,
Please do not use the methods erratically. All family planning methods are good but they need to be used as per directed.
Postinor is not a family planning method. It is
emergency contraceptive pill that must be used only in case of unexpected unprotected sex that is incidental. It is not to be used more than once in one cycle. Also it is to be used in absolute emergency when
contraception was not used as no other methods were available. So please do not do this again.
There are so many safe methods safer than postinor.
Condoms are the best as they protect against sexually transmitted diseases also.
Oral contraceptive pills are pills that must be taken after seeing your doctor. One pill must be taken every day at same time for 21 days or as per the type of pills [ your doctor will explain]. Period come after stopping the pills for 21 days pack or while taking the sugar pills 28 days pack. They are very effective if taken daily and no pills are missed. If pills are missed then
pregnancy may occur. They protect against ovarian and
uterine cancer.
Other methods are injections taken every 2 or 3 months depending upon the type. Commonest is depo
provera. it causes
irregular periods or spotting but is very effective in preventing pregnancy.
Intrauterine devices like copper T or hormone containing ones like Mirena are fitted inside the uterus by your doctor and stay there not allowing the baby to come there. Extremely effective and once inserted the copper t 380 can be kept for 10 years. If pregnancy is desired, just get it removed by the doctor in the clinic.
various others are female condoms, contraceptive implants etc. But the above ones are the most used. I strongly recommend condoms and pills or intrauterine devices as they are very effective is used correctly.
Pregnancy can occur as soon as you stop using the method. So there is no need to worry.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Thanks for using HCM.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist