I been having reticulated papillomatosi since i was 16, and now I am 19...In every visit to the dermatogist the only answer I got was that it was either a bacteria or a fungus in the skinf, so they all always gave me different creams, antifungals cream and pills...After taking antiobiotics, the spots of the disease went away, but only the part under the breast not the part of my lower back which was also with the problem...After two years the spots came back and they gave me pills again and it helped to clear it up a bit but it didnt go 100%, now I came to my native country to get a second opinion and it was over there that they gave me the diagnostic of reticulated papillomatosis...they gave me three different creams to mix, and I am still waiting on results...but i want to know if these disease is contagious?, it is possible that i could transfer it to someone I sleep with?