Hi Dear,
Understanding your concern.
ESR, or
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, is a medical test that measures how much inflammation occurs throughout your body.
It is worth bearing in mind that ESR does tend to rise with age, regardless of the presence of inflammation, and that it is beneficial to do a repeat test after about a month and see if the level has changed.
Eating a diet too high in acidic foods (starches and meats) and not enough alkaline foods (fruits and vegetables) leads to blood acidity and this makes the body function poorly and not heal well. Eating a good balanced diet with fresh foods helps with your brain and keeps you feeling good.
linoleic acid (GLA) is an
essential fatty acid derivative which has been shown to work particularly well. The best sources of GLA are plant oils, such as evening primrose oil, blackcurrant seed oil, and borage oil (also known as starflower oil).
Eliminate inflammatory foods from her diet — which means avoiding processed foods, fried foods, red meat, carbonated beverages, processed sugars, and in some cases where there is a specific intolerance to grains or dairy, these should also be ruled out.
Fruit and vegetables and pure water should be consumed in abundance. At least 30 minutes of brisk cardio exercise a day is recommended.
I m hoping that your concern has been resolved now. Get back to me if any further queries.
Dr. Harry Maheshwari