I'm 17, I have had my gallbladder removed, my touncels and several cyst. I have been diagnosed with INS (My Mom has crhones) Acid reflux disease and chronic asthma. For years I've has stomach problems, and no on can ever give me an answer. We have been to numbers of doctors, and they have all said it's my bowls. I've always had irregular periods, I have a ovarian cyst burst every month. Lately, I've had aching pain on my right side, a little bit lower than my belly button. Also, lower back pain, on my right side. I have had more acid reflux than normal. Sometimes, the pain travels down towards my leg. It worsened while I was on my period.
I also have had sharp pain in my upper back, on the left side, it worsens when I breath deep. (I don't know if this relates to my side pain)
I don't know what's going on with my body. I'm either constipated or I have loose stool. I am on meds for IBS, Asthma and acid reflux. If you can help me, I would fully appreciate it. Should I go to my local E.R. or is it nothing serious. It's been an uphill battle, I just want to be well.