Respected Doctor, My father aged 75 is suffering from Macular Degeneration since 2000. The central vision of boths eyes are lost. He is having peripheral vision only. He cannot identify faces and feel hallucinations etc. Kindly note that in 2007 he was affected by Chikkun Gunia type fever and hospitalised for about 1month. Around one and a half month he was not getting sleep, and his memories were mix of past days and was talking & behaving abnoramally. He was retired employee . During his illness(fever) he was feeling that he was still working and behaved like that. MRI scan of brain ruled out any specific damage. He was under neuroscience treatment. Fever was cured after one month treatment, but neuro problem persists. After one month he was discharged from the hospital and started treatment with another neurosurgeon. He said that , brain is shrinking and the fever worsened the situation and suggested for 6 months medication. On starting medicines he got good sleep and within a week he came to the normal condition. 6months he had continued the following medicines and stopped it after that as he was fully recovered. Alzil 10 Cerecetam 800 Serenace 0.25mg Clopivas 150 Quitpin 25 (later 50) Nitravet 10 In January 2009 he had a cataract surgeory and after that he felt the above mentioned condition and consulted the same neurosurgeon and took above mentioned medicines. Gradually he has recovered and stopped medicines after 1month. Decemeber 2009 onwards he was under homoeopathic treatment for his eye disease, during the treatment the neuro problem developed again and given the same homoeopathic treatment till may 2010. After may 2010 his condition worsened more. We took him to a Neurologist and started the below mentioned medicines: Ridazin 100 Galamer4 Quitpin50 Oleanz5 During the treatment also he was not sleeping, talk irrelevant and behave abnormal. We continued the medicines till October 2010. But there was no improvement. In August 2010 he was undergone an Ayurvedic treatment for his eye disease along with neuro problem (Dhara, Netrasekam, Tharpanam, oil massage etc.). But he could not complete the treatment due to increase of neuro symptoms. The treatment was discontined after 10 days. Now he is under the treatment of a psychiatrist. He is taking Donamem 10mg, Mirtakem15mg , Tolaz MD 5mg and Nitravet 10mg, since November 10, 2010. There is no change in his condition. Now he is under neurolgy treatment and taking Alzil10,Quitipin50,Zolfresh10,Renerve plus,Ecospirin150. No change in his condition Thank you very much for your valuable time. Kindly give proper advice. Thanks and Regards Sunil Kumar S.